Using AWX to run Cisco IOS Ansible playbook

6 min readJul 7, 2021


This article is for the user that not familiar with the AWX installed on top of the Minikube (K8S) and facing issue to run your first Ansible playbook.

Before starting the setup in AWX WEB GUI, we have to complete the below setup in the AWX server first. You may skip the steps if you already known how to do it.

Creating PV/PVC

For storing the Ansible playbook permanently, we must create the persistence storage for the pods mount the/var/lib/awx/projects folder to the PVC.

# Create the pvc yaml file.
$ vi awx-pvc.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: awx-pvc #This is the name of pv/pvc, can be changed
namespace: default
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 8Gi #This can be changed based on your requirement.
# Create the PVC using the "kubectl create -f" command
# PV will be created automatically and bound to the PVC

$ kubectl create -f awx-pvc.yaml
# To check the PV and PVC using "kubectl" command
$ kubectl get pvc,pv

You should see the PVC/PV by issuing the kubectl command and both of them should be bound state.

$ kubectl get pvc,pv | grep awx-pvc
persistentvolumeclaim/awx-pvc Bound pvc-e2f126e6-115f-4f20-99da-40ed97306eb0 8Gi RWX standard 27d
persistentvolume/pvc-e2f126e6-115f-4f20-99da-40ed97306eb0 8Gi RWX Delete Bound default/awx-pvc standard 27d

Verify PV is created

Switch to “sudo” or “root” and then
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/hostpath-provisioner/default , you should see awx-pvc folder is created.
We will configure the volume mount in the AWX pods so that the pods can use this folder for store the project (Ansible playbook).

# cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/hostpath-provisioner/default
# ls

Volume mount on AWX pod

Remember that there is a awx-demo.yaml used for setup the AWX deployment? We have to open it up again and edit the storage option so that the pods can mount to the PVC volume we created.

# Added the last 2 lines to your awx-demo.yaml
$ vi awx-demo.yaml
kind: AWX
name: awx-demo
service_type: nodeport
ingress_type: none
projects_persistence: true
projects_existing_claim: awx-pvc
# To recreate the pod with the volume mount we set
$ kubectl delete -f awx-demo.yaml
$ kubectl create -f awx-demo.yaml
# Describe the awx-demo pod
# you should see the /var/lib/awx/projects mount to the awx-pvc

$ kubectl describe pod awx-demo-57c8bb4484-2c5m5 | egrep awx-demo-projects: -A 3
Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
ClaimName: awx-pvc
ReadOnly: false

Copy modules from Ansible Galaxy Collection

To use Cisco IOS and netcommon module, we have to download the tarball from the Ansible Galaxy website and then untar them to the “ansible-collection” folder in the AWX server.

2 ways to download the tarball:

Download the tarball from Ansible Galaxy website:

Download page of Cisco IOS module tarball
Download page of netcommon module tarball
  1. Click “Download tarball” from the website and then upload to your offline AWX server.

2. Using wget to download the tarball if your AWX server can access internet

$ wget
$ wget

Copy the module to the ‘ansible-collection’ folder

Use find to search for the path of ansible-collection

$ sudo find / -name ansible_collections

The path name to untar the module tarball should be similar like:


** The bold font should be different from your AWX server; the correct path should be the one with ‘minikube’

Create the directories and untar the Cisco IOS and netcommon module to that folder:

# To create directories for Cisco IOS and netcommon
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/lib/docker/overlay2/23447b8d007542df8a83599f03de1ed20246da67f88999b34e2e65812c488a63/diff/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/cisco/ios
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/lib/docker/overlay2/23447b8d007542df8a83599f03de1ed20246da67f88999b34e2e65812c488a63/diff/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/netcommon# Untar the tarball to the directories
$ sudo tar -xvf cisco-ios-2.3.0.tar.gz --directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/lib/docker/overlay2/23447b8d007542df8a83599f03de1ed20246da67f88999b34e2e65812c488a63/diff/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/cisco/ios
$ sudo tar -xvf ansible-netcommon-2.2.0.tar.gz --directory /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/lib/docker/overlay2/23447b8d007542df8a83599f03de1ed20246da67f88999b34e2e65812c488a63/diff/usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/netcommon

Cool! We can proceed to setup in AWX WEB GUI now.


Setup the inventory from “Inventories” option

AWX ‘Inventories’ page


Setup the hosts from “Hosts” option. The host in this example is a Cisco IOS router (IP address is
Assigned this host to the “Inventory” that we created in previous step (“awx-demo”).

AWX ‘Hosts’ page
ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.network_cli
ansible_network_os: cisco.ios.ios

** Change the to your router IP address.


To create the credential for the Cisco IOS

  • Credential type: Machine
  • Privilege Escalation Method: enable
  • Privilege Escalation Password: <your enable password>
Create new credential page — 1
Create new credential page — 2


To create the project, you must create a new folder in your PV (in this case is awx-pvc).
Below is the example for creating a new folder “awx-demo-project”.

$ sudo -i
# mkdir -p /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/hostpath-provisioner/default/awx-pvc/awx-demo-project

** Ansible playbook should be put under this folder.

Go to the AWX WEB GUI, select the “Projects” option. In this page, the “Playbook Directory” drop down list should show the folder we created in previous step (in this case is “awx-demo-project”).
Select this directory and “Save”.

Create new project page

Job Template

Before creating the job template, let us create a simple Ansible playbook first.
This Ansible playbook will be created in the folder we created in the previous “Project” section (“awx-demo-project”)

$ cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/minikube/_data/hostpath-provisioner/default/awx-pvc/awx-demo-project$ sudo nano awx-demo-playbook.yaml
- name: cisco_sh_ver
hosts: all
gather_facts: true
- name: run show version on remote devices
- show version
- name: show run on remote devices
become: true
- show run

To run the Ansible playbook we created, select the option “Templates” and then click on the “Add” to show the drop down list.
Select the “Add job template” from the drop down list.

Templates page to “Add job template”
  • Inventory: awx-demo (created in the Inventories section)
  • Project: awx-demo-project (created in the Project section)
  • Playbook: awx-demo-playbook.yaml (created in the previous step)
  • Credential: awx-demo-credential (created in the Credentials section)
  • Verbosity: 3 (Debug) (for getting more information to verify our playbook is working)

Click “Save”.

New job template page
New job template page

Run job

Horray, all set and let us verify our playbook can be run correctly.
Let’s click on the “Templates” and then click on the rocket sign of the job template “awx-show-command-demo

Templates page showing the newly created job template

Yeah! Our Ansible playbook running without error and all tasks are “ok”.

Output of the previous step

Thanks for reading this article and hopefully this article is helpful for you to setup your AWX.



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